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"Taihinagong" by Clarissa Mendiola - Nihi ta Fanegga' - Episode Hugua

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Kao ya-mu mubi siha? Kao ya-mu financy pat interesånte na mubi siha? Pue siempre ya-mu este na Fanachu segment - Nihi ta Fanegga'! - from Chamoru poet and educator Clarissa Mendiola.

For each segment, Clarissa will create a short film using different notable film styles and combined them with Chamoru poetry and narration. Her second film in this series is titled "taihinagong." Here is her explanation for her creative process.

Biba Fino' Chamoru! Biba mubi siha! Biba mubi siha gi Fino' Chamoru!


For the second short film in this series I wanted to revisit the French New Wave aesthetic with a specific nod to Breathless by Jean Luc Goddard. While unrelated to the content of my film, I used the same title — "Taihinagong." For me, one of the most identifiable images from Goddard’s film is the New York Herald Tribune shirt worn by actress Jean Seberg in her portrayal of an American expat in France. In my short film, I wear the shirt and narrate directly to the camera at times, also a nod to the genre. Ultimately, I wanted this video to be a practice in using the man- plural prefix and present tense. In it, I narrate a day exploring Golden Gate Park with my two children. One of the challenges of being a heritage language-learner who lives away from her homeland is finding opportunities to speak to others in Chamoru. In our language-learning communities, we are encouraged to give voice to i fino’-ta every day — and sometimes, the best option is to narrate what I’m doing (either in my head or out loud).

Puede en gesa i fina’tinas-hu! Para esti na bideo-hu, malago’ yu’ bei bira tatte ta’lo para i French New Wave na klasen mubi siha, kololoña Breathless, ginen as Jean Luc Goddard. I titulu ti ha a’aya i bideo-hu, lao hu u’usa i parehu na titulu “taihinågong.” Hu gof hahasso’ i franela-ña si Jean Seberg — pues minagågu yu’ ni parehu na franela, ya hu kuentutusi i camera lokkue’. Malago’ yu prumaktika man- plural yan present tense, pues kumukuentos yu’ put i ha’anen-måmi giya Golden Gate Park. Simpre mappot i lina’la para taotao na kumeke’eyak i fino’-ta. Kololoña para i manaotao Chamoru gi diaspora sa’ taya’ taotao gi oriya-hu na siña bei kuentusi gi fino’-ta. Pues guaha na biahi, ya-hu kumukuentos yu’ put maseha hafa hu chumo’cho’gue. Puede en gesa i fina’tinas-hu!

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